GEORGE P. ALEXANDRIS S.A. maintains in its facilities in both Greece and abroad, laboratories for the splicing and processing of conveyor belts and are equipped to perform the following tasks:

  • Cutting and splicing of Synthetic and Rubber conveyor belts, using Hot and Cold Vulcanization methods or fastener fitting, at the dimensions requested by the customer.
  • Plastic Modular Belts assembly
  • Placement of guides, profiles, and sidewalls, using conventional and high frequency equipment
  • Construction of curved conveyor belts
  • Perforation of conveyor belts
  • Drum coating
  • Repair of used conveyor belts where possible.

The company maintains specially equipped vehicles and is able to provide (preceded by timely communication and a special mutual agreement) 24-hour service to the customer’s location.
The company guarantees the quality of the services it renders.